Large Field

When you have a lot of space available, planting wheat into the ground in a field is a great way to yield large results to the crop.


Example Timeline 


Plot designation and prep, Create fence, Lay compost/amendments/organic fertilizer, Turn the soil, Place irrigation, wet the soil before planting, 1 in a week before planting, *Optional weeding time*


Plant with a fertilizer distributor (25-30 seeds per square ft), *note: planting time no later than the first week of November to align harvest time with the end of the school year

Ongoing after planting: Maintain plot, Weeding, Irrigation (first weeks for germination and support), Wheat matures, Incorporate measuring and evaluating stages of growth in lesson plans as wheat matures


Harvesting process: Cutting, Threshing, Winnowing, Storing, Milling, Baking


Plant beans after wheat crop is finished